Sunday, 16 February 2014

fighting arena/dance floor!

i pity the people around me. i pity them, all and sundry, and not because they are ugly or poor, or in some cases beautiful or rich. i pity them because they are afraid. sometimes, i try and kick this feeling off and sit back on my comfortable chair and enjoy the view that prevails around me. sometimes, i just go the the hill behind my college, climbing around a century of stairs, and look at the view (that is what i call the "god's-eye view"). and i see people running like trained ants. hungry, tired, frustrated. sometimes for obvious reasons, sometimes not. trotting, limping, crawling. an ocean of emotions surge in my heart as i try to transfer myself into one of the ant. the way i feel range from mesmerizing to painful, all to the extreme ends. but fear, i find, is present in all of them.
                  why is their face hung low? why is the spirit so down-trodden? why people expect so less of life? is something no one could answer genuinely. "find something you love, and kill it" this is what happens according to my guess. in the very early day of our lives, we learn to love ourselves. we dream, we dance, we are carefree. its not like we are free from the sins. laziness, gluttony, lust, wrath, we are born with them. and we would die with them. but as children, we know how to make peace with the sins, the demons. we accept the drawbacks, the loopholes of human race and we carry on with our life. but as we grow up, we start fighting them. and the fight engenders fear. and the fear is the thing that prevails.
                 you fight with yourself, you fear yourself, and when the time comes, you kill yourself. do you ever think why you were born? why 128 probabilities happened together so that you can evolve into your present form. to give a damn to what world thinks about you? this answer is a little hard for me to digest. what i guess, as i could only guess, is that you take birth to enjoy the journey that has taken years to come this far, and to take it an inch further. the world is an open ground, its no one's choice but yours, either to take it as a fighting arena, or as a dance floor. but, then literally, there is a fight of mike tyson and a dance of shakira, whose tickets would you buy?