Monday, 14 April 2014

commiting suicide!

 have you ever thought about ending your life?
have you ever given up, lost hope and spiraled down into darkness?
have you ever said to yourself, 'I QUIT'?
if you have, then you are one of those 99% of humans who walk this planet. you are no different.
now, let me ask you one more question?
what was it that made you quit, or motivated you to end your life for good?
was it a job that you never got, a house you never bought or a girl you never banged?
why am i asking this?
Because let me tell you, these are all perfectly common conditions. people give up all the time, there is no shame in that. Life does get tough, otherwise why'd there be a suicide every 40 seconds in the world.
i myself give up all the time!
But, what counts is, what sets you apart is, the second thought that follows in your mind after the thought of giving up or committing suicide. that thought, that feeling is why you are alive and are reading this post. thats faith. thats hope.
let me give you an example:

look at this guy. He has a good job, beautiful wife, huge house, kids, money, just everything. he spends his weekends on the fine sands of Australia, flies all around the world mostly on paid vacations and is happy as fuck. Do you not want to be like this guy? (you might want to reconsider your answer.)
         this guy's name is Nick Vujicic and he has got a condition!

this guy was born with a very rare disorder, and tried to commit suicide thrice at a very young age. he was picked at in the school and he was pitied all around. he gave up. anyone would right? tried to drown himself to death but failed for he couldn't move himself in the bathtub. but then he touched a streak of hope, started living with it and today he has 30,000 requests for speaking at certain events.
             so the next time you feel down, demotivated or on your way to suicide, just think about one thing. "if this guy can make it in life, i will too"

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